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Call for research participants
Guest blog by Peati Mene-Vaele, University of Canterbury.
Talofa Lava and thank you for your interest in our study. My name is Peati Mene–Vaele, a clinical psychology student at the University of Canterbury. I am also a recipient of a Pacific Mental Health and Addiction Scholarship.
I am undertaking a study that looks at measuring mental illness and current levels of stress among Samoan men and women aged 16+ living in New Zealand, and the factors that may influence stress and mental illness such as income, quality of relationships, and education, substance use and addiction behaviours. This survey also aims to gather information on beliefs of what causes mental illness and understanding preferences to medical and non-medical treatment methods for stress and mental illnesses.
Who can participate?
Samoan men and women aged 16 years or older who are currently living in New Zealand.
What does participation involve?
Completion of the online questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes. Participation is voluntary with the right to withdraw at any time without penalty. This can be done by closing the questionnaire at any stage or not hitting the submit button at the end of the questionnaire. Withdrawal of participation includes any information you have provided even after submission, should this remain practically achievable.
Will I be paid?
Participants who complete and submit their questionnaire go into a draw to win one of two Apple iPad Mini’s.
All data gathered from participants as a result of the study will remain confidential. All data collected will be accessed through a computer locked file requiring a password, and only accessible by the researcher and primary supervisor. No identifying information is required for completion of the questionnaire and a separate link is provided for participants to list contact details to enter the prize draw. This link ensures your questionnaire responses and contact details are separated for confidentiality. These entries cannot be traced back to your questionnaire responses or linked in anyway.
For participants living in Christchurch who may be interested in future studies trialling non-medical (micronutrients) treatments for stress, a separate link is also provided for your contact details. This again ensures you cannot be identified or linked with your questionnaire responses.
What will happen to the information you provide?
Results of the study may be published in scientific and medical journals and used to inform policy makers about current levels of psychological distress among Samoan men and women aged 16+ living in New Zealand. It also looks to establish the influence of stress-related factors such as education, income, quality of relationships, substance use and addiction behaviours, to stress and mental illnesses. In addition, information regarding beliefs of what causes mental illnesses, and the relative treatment methods preferred among this population may help to inform future research and mental health practices.
Risks involved?
The questionnaire asks about stress, mental illness, substance use and intimate partner or family violence that may cause distress for some or raise questions of concern for others. If, following the completion of the questionnaire, you experience distress or have any concerns relating to your mental wellbeing, substance use or violence, you are encouraged to please consult your family doctor or contact your local services. A brief list of support agencies for mental health, violence and substance uses has also been provided below for your information and further support.
Reason for the study?
This study is being carried out as a requirement for a University of Canterbury Masters of Science degree by Peati Mene-Vaele (peati.mene-vaele@pg.canterbury.ac.nz) under the supervision of Professor Julia Rucklidge (julia.rucklidge@canterbury.ac.nz). You may receive a copy of the project results by contacting the researcher at the conclusion of the study. We are also happy to discuss questions or concerns regarding the study and your participation.
How can I participate?
There is an online survey that is provided both in the English and Samoan languages. Please click on the following link to find out more http://bit.ly/NZSamoanAdultsStress-MentalWellbeing.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the University of Canterbury Human Ethics Committee.
Please forward any complaints to: The Chair, Human Ethics Committee, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch (human-ethics@canterbury.ac.nz).
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Peati Mene-Vaele
Professor Julia Rucklidge