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Levelling up online gamer wellbeing at Winter Armageddon

Over 31,000 online gamers, cosplay enthusiasts, comic collectors, esports champions, and genuinely interested New Zealanders packed into the Auckland ASB showgrounds for this year’s Winter Armageddon expo event.

As the mental health organisation supporting the online gaming spaces at the expo, Le Va were proud to launch our new Mana Restore discord server. The server provides online gamers with mental health information at their fingertips while still in game, covering topics such as anxiety, depression, online bullying, healthy gaming habits and much more.

A photo booth allowed patrons to capture special moments with their family and friends, eye-catching holograms showcased some of the Mana Restore discord server content and a dedicated wellbeing space gave respite from the large crowds. One patron commented on the wellbeing space being a life saver.

Over 230 new members joined the Mana Restore discord server over the 3-day event and 600 signed up for more information about the Mana Restore project. The overall Mana Restore project is a mental health literacy solution for young people and their families to increase social inclusion, decrease stigma and enhance help-seeking behaviour. With a website to complement the new Discord server, young gamers and their families have greater access to mental health information and tools.

If you are an online gamer and want to learn more, join our discord server today https://discord.gg/ManaRestore or visit our website at www.manarestore.nz.

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From time to time general news is published within Le Va
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Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.