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Engaging Pasifika with Careers New Zealand

Le Va responds primarily to the needs of the health, disability and social services workforce, but we also connect with organisations outside these sectors whose work may also impact on Pasifika communities – providing tailored cultural responsiveness training for organisations to ensure they improve their engagement with Pasifika families and communities. 

In the past two months Le Va has been working in collaborACTION with Careers New Zealand, a crown entity focusing on Career Path Development with young people. We’ve delivered a tailored Engaging Pasifika programme to more than 80 staff to date, in different cities over three workshops.

It was great to have the chairperson of the Careers New Zealand Va Pasifika Network Cassius Kuresa present and in support during these workshops. Senior manager Cassius presented a Competency Framework that Careers New Zealand aims to use as a guide for staff in becoming more confident with working Pasifika – the Engaging Pasifika workshop is the first step in the framework. 

The feedback and evaluations from all workshops has been very positive. We next head to the mainland with our Christchurch Careers NZ fanau – which we’re sure will just as engaging, informative and enjoyable as those in Auckland and Wellington. Our thanks to Cassius and general manager Auckland strategy Hugh Kettlewell for all their work to date.

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From time to time general news is published within Le Va

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.