CollaborACTION with Brainwave Trust
Le Va is very honoured to be working in collaboration with Brainwave Trust, particularly as it is recommended training following on from Le Va’s FLO Talanoa training.
We had the privilege of hosting three Brainwave Trust workshops this quarter, equipping our Pasifika communities with important information and tools. Increasing our understanding of how the brain develops and works is essential knowledge for a more holistic understanding of our actions and behaviours.
Facilitated by Tafa Dr Esther Cowley-Malcolm, organisations in attendance included the FONO; Family Start, New Horizons, Taueki Trust, Problem Gambling Foundation and South Seas Healthcare, Turiki Healthcare, Auckland Council, Youth Horizons, and many others working with Pasifika throughout the community, DHBs, NGOS, church, sport and school settings.
The workshops were very well received by participants, with overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Many participants commented that their knowledge of the brain and relationship with behaviour had increased significantly following the presentation, the presenter was very engaging, the quality of the information excellent, and the overall presentation of outstanding value.
Participants also commented they would share the information with their colleagues, book a presentation online for their work and pass the information to their family and friends in their community.
If you are interested in this workshop, please contact us and we can link you in.
Le Va thanks The Lion Foundation for their sponsorship, and Tafa Dr Cowley-Malcolm for delivering the Brainwave seminar.
Scenes from the workshops
Workshop particpants
Le Va team members with Tafa Dr Esther Cowley-Malcolm