About Atu-Mai

Le Va developed the Atu-Mai violence prevention programme to equip Pasifika young people and their families with the knowledge and tools to live violence-free.

Atu-Mai tools and resources take an educational and skills-based approach aiming for behavioural change across generations, strengthening Pasifika communities by developing confident and resilient Pasifika young people.

The programme content combines evidence-based approaches with expert knowledge, community leadership, and co-design with Pasifika young people to ensure it is culturally relevant, family focused and community-led.

A systems approach for generational change

Working in collaboration with Synergia and ACC, Le Va is ensuring that Atu-Mai is a nationally coordinated systems change programme of work. We will also work alongside Pasifika community organisations and groups to provide resources that will complement their work and support them to prevent violence in our communities.

Only by working together and taking a systems approach can we hope to have real impact and lasting change.

Le Va and Synergia anticipate that as a unique programme Atu-Mai will be measured and adapted to ensure that over the next 18 months to five years, change can be monitored appropriately and will help the programme evolve to ensure the desired outcomes are met.

To access the programme, please visit https://atumai.nz/

About the name Atu-Mai

The name Atu-Mai is based on the Cook Islands proverb ‘I te aro’a atu, i te aro’a mai – love given, love received’.
When we treat others with compassion, kindness and respect, we will receive the same in return, which is good for our wellbeing and good for generations to come. This also reflects our core Pasifika cultural value of reciprocity.
Hence, Atu-Mai refers to healthy reciprocal relationships and balanced wellbeing.

Further information

For more information about Atu-Mai, please contact Elizabeth Mati. To access the programme, please visit https://atumai.nz/

Talk to a trained counsellor for sexual harm:

Visit www.safetotalk.nz free call 0800 044 334, free text 4334 or live chat

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the police. 

Find more advice and support

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.