Aiga: Empowering young Pasifika people to discover their strengths

As a recipient of Le Va’s Pasifika Suicide Prevention Community Fund, BOP Youth Development Trust believes that by investing in the youth of today, we are shaping our community for a better tomorrow.
The Trust used their funding to create Aiga – a youth development programme that empowers young Pasifika people to discover their strengths, connect with their cultures and meet life’s challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.
Delivered by fitness experts, a registered psychologist and leaders from the Pasifika community, Aiga participants take part in workshops focusing on mental wellbeing, resilience, breathwork and Pacific cultures, culminating in a Fiafia night at the end of the term.
Aiga has consistently received excellent feedback from participants and school staff members:
“The programme has been incredible for our Pasifika students. Our students who attend the programme come together with Pasifika students from other local schools to participate in circuit training, networking, and learning how to apply Te Whare Tapa Whā model to their own lives. It’s so important to have a programme like this that encourages self-determination for our developing Pasifika students.”
The phrase ‘aiga’ comes from the Samoan language, referring to the extended family and community network who play a central role in Samoan culture. In 2023, the programme was extended to Pasifika student leaders.
One participant said: “It’s so cool, because you get to learn different fitness exercises and techniques. It is also a safe space where no one judges you. Everyone is accepted, just as they are.”
Le Va’s Pasifika Suicide Prevention Community Fund was established in partnership with Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora with the purpose of enabling community groups to find their own solutions to help prevent and respond to suicide.
Applications for the latest round of Le Va’s Pasifika Suicide Prevention Community Fund close on 31 July at 4.30pm.
Learn more about the AIGA programme and Le Va’s Pasifika Suicide Prevention Community Fund.